Through Half Marathon training, I’ve quickly realized how important it is to keep the body temperature maintained and breathing steady. Long runs can be too exhausting when the temperature reaches over 90 degrees. Not only is the temperature hot, but the humidity is another ballgame.
Here are some tips & tricks to keep you cool in the summer months:
Early Bird Catches the Worm
You may have heard this famous line before! It holds a lot of meaning for active runners and gym-goers who need to fit in their workout on the daily. During school, I have no choice but to get up and go.
Why not get up before temperatures rise in the summer? Make your coffee, take down a cup of water, and get moving! Most likely you won’t be the only one on the road. Your mood will be up, up, up all day and you’ll have an easier time staying energized.
Stay Hydrated to Stay Refreshed
Drinking enough water is crucial to how you perform during summer workouts. This is especially the case if you are someone who sweats a good deal. The heat causes you to sweat out most of your water, so try and drink at least a cup every hour or so.
Dehydration can absolutely be avoided! Bring water during or after your workout for replenishment.
Make Speed Gradual
Starting off slow can help the body acclimate quicker to the heat around. The heat, naturally, causes you to slow down by about 1 minute per mile. Don’t be discouraged! Once you get used to the temps, you’ll pick up speed again.
If you run your first mile slower and gradually increase speed it will help you to warm up and run for longer periods. Running long distance? I suggest a hydration belt like mine from Fitletic.
Let’s connect on Instagram! I’ve started a fitness page @befitbianca and would love to see your running photos