#BeGood Spotlight: STRIKE for Vanessa πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

Today’s #BeGood Spotlight was created in partnership with the
Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation.

Welcome to the very first #BeGood Spotlight featuring a charity after my own heart: Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation.

Not only is the VTM Foundation built on a story so close to home here in MA; it really resonated with me as a victim of harassment.

This is not something I share about as my goal in life is to lift others up, help you be bold, and make you more confident in your day-to-day lives. But… with all of the violence I have heard about recently, I believe now is a great time to speak out and encourage you to get involved in the very thing every women should:


More than 600 women are assaulted each day.

Department of Justice

You don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars on classes, have a background in Jackie Chan style Kung Fu fighting, or have any prior experiences with assault to be a part of this movement. In fact, you should learn how to protect yourself before anything happens to you or your loved ones so you know how to respond!

The Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation is hosting a mega self-defense course at Northeastern University on March 24 called STRIKE for Vanessa. At the event you will learn from Avital Zeisler, creator of the Soteria Method (learn more HERE).

If you want to attend in honor of Vanessa and to learn how to protect yourself, sign-up HERE.

Ticket Options:
1 | General Admission – $40
2 | Student Admission – $25

Not only are they hosting this amazing event; they have a line-up of incredible sponsors that will be supporting the foundation. Some of these include Gronk Fitness, Polar Beverage, Booty by Brabants, and Yasso.

Stay tuned for a chance to win 2 tickets on my Instagram!